
Sunday, 12 December 2010


Today we went to the dentist as Will has really bad toothache, we went to one who said they only had one dentist and directed us to another with 4 dentists and they agreed to see Will. It turns out he has a decaying tooth and can either have root canal which will cost a fortune or just have the tooth taken out tomorrow so he has opted for the second.

It was also a day for sorting out things like flights to Bali etc and checking out our insurance (for dental cover) etc. It's nice and warm again here although it fells quite muggy tonight and I hear they may be rain coming for the next few days but we'll see. We have bought steak for tonight which we will cook on the campsite BBQ and have with a salad. It's nice to be able to cook our own meals and obviously saves us cash as well (that said we did have a McDonalds for lunch, but that was so we could use their free wi-fi)

Life in the van is still ok. We have quite a routine going now for setting up the beds in the evening and folding everything carefully away in the morning and we all seem to sleep quite well although the bed is giving me backache if I lay on my side but it's ok if I just lay flat, we also still have to sleep on a bit of an angle as the beds a bit short. Sam seems to sleep well although he claims he's not (which means he may have opened his eyes once in the night). This evening I am going to read my NZ book to try and find some stuff to do on the way south. I would like to visit a Mauri site with Sam as I think it would be educational for him and there is an interesting relationship here between the Maori's and the European settlers. It's a bit like the UK I think in that the government would like to think that all is ok and they make efforts to incorporate Maori culture into everyday life, such as using the language on the signs etc... but the people say that there are still lots of divisions and that things can't be smoothed over as easily as the government would like to have you believe... but that's only the European point of view it would be interesting to hear the Maori side... although the Maoris do look quite big and scary.

Yesterday I was having a 'what the hell am I doing here' day. Just walking along wondering why we are travelling around the world and why we are not cosied up in our house in England enjoying the winter snow, mucking out in the freezing cold and drinking mulled wine... but then I chatted with a few people and realised that this is just as good only different. That it's nice to experience different cultures and see the way that people celebrate in different ways. When I say to people here that I miss the snow they look at me like I am a complete lunatic! I guess holiday times make you nostalgic and Xmas is a time when we would be together with friends and family but it's only a year and we have already done 4 months!! I don't want to wish my time here away but being away does make you appreciate what you have left behind (I think I felt like this before - sorry if I'm repeating myself).

I think one of the problems is that we are not yet in a proper routine here although one is slowly starting to form. It's good to be able to update the blog again ( pics coming soon) and Sam and Will are surfing again. I am also getting back into a book and have started yoga again today and schooling is back under way with a regular pattern, so I think once the routine is more settled so I will feel more settled.

Right off to cook steak and drink red wine - it's not a bad life ;)


  1. Did I ever mention that I love you loads!

    xxx Mum

    who is looking forward to having you all back here for Xmas next year, but is nevertheless going to make the most of not having to cook humungous loads of food for once this Christmas. :>}

  2. Your blog suggests that you are entering a contemplative period. If you can harness the energy it will be a great time to start your novel, though I guess not the most comfortable for you to be kicking off the writing in a van. Nevertheless, your mood is right. Maybe the van is metaphor for mind and your need to break out - whatever it is, I see a wish to explore deeper thoughts at present. Trust me. Go for it girl. Now's the time.

    I am rewriting Scissored Selves at the moment. It is quite amazing how I keep finding things in the ms that I hadn't seen before -on the other hand perhaps it is not so amazing and merely a pointer to what I know already, just how difficult a story it is to understand. Alex is reading it as I rewrite and he is my bellweather. If there is something which confuses him he will tell me and I can then try and set it right. I know it sounds like a chore for him but I think he is genuinely enjoying the novel.

    Love you so much

  3. maybe you have been wondering where we are?! I can't blame you, but we have been in Majorca. I believe I mentioned we a=were going. At last I have caught up with your blog, it is great to know what you are doing, how ever, I cannot find anything form the boy himself - is it me? From what you say, Hold on to everything you encounter (well almost) and put it into that great memory bank of yours. When you are a 'bit down the line' you will be able to call on all these memories and be glad of them. Life goes sooo fast bear in mind you only have 8 months left - it is no time.
    I miss you Sam and it is awful not having heard your voice for a while. Please can we arrange some SKYPE time?
    The twin girls are in hopsital at the moment with bronchialitis, they are improving now. Devon & Blake have also had it and - wait for it Dexter has chickepox - life is just a bowl of cherries here!!
    Apart from that we are all well but I have missed sending a Xmas card to you all and I am going out tomorrow (bit late) with Grandad !! shopping.
    We will see everyone over the holiday and then go to Spain in Jan.
    Love you, love you, love you all I expect this page is wet with our big tears !!!
    Hope it isn't a front tooth to be extracted Will !!
    Take Care - speak soon
    GrandmaL & Wavesurfer Grandad

  4. Rubbish typing - difficult position !

  5. Hi Ruth, Will and Sam, Cor who's the health problem.....I think Will. He's been far the one who's needed the most medical intervention! But shucks, must be very sore and well I would worry a bit, ugh Dentists...ugh.
    I have just cought up with about 20 days worth of stuff, last time I read the blogg was around my birthday, I tried to tell my dad about you and your travels, he seemed to take it in but then promptly forgot shortly after, don't worry, he was here on my birthday and kept forgetting!
    Also am very impressed with said medical skills you seem to have acquired, am sure usually you might go uggh or something but no no reached for you sewing kit and dealt with the sea urchin spine. Very impressed.
    Also am laughing at u're latest bloggs, full of burgers, and steaks, makes me laugh because I imagine that you loved the food of South America rice and stuff, rather than loads of steaks, but maybe life on the road changes things.
    Sorry I didn't call the other day, didn't know whether to call your old number. Anyway skyped you today...probably was middle of night so maybe might manage to sychronise selves soon. No worries though because reading u're bloggs is very entertaining. Lots of love, S. xxx

  6. Ooops forgot to say...Good luck Will with the Dentist. xxx
