
Monday 13 June 2011


It's difficult to describe how gorgeous Balian is. We have been here for nearly a week now and the days are just flying by. The hotel is run by a lady called Tati (although hotel is the wrong word to describe this place as it's more a series of cottages) she is a gorgeous, welcoming, silver haired Javanese lady who is obviously adored by all the people who work for her. In fact we love it so much here that we are not checking out tomorrow but have booked to stay for an extra week. Perhaps if I describe the walk to the internet cafe it will help you to experience the place.

Leaving the house you walk out onto a windy road which is probably about 2k and winds up to the main road. Along the way you pass banana trees growing on the side of the road with kites attached to them to scare of the birds. Behind the banana trees are terraces of rice fields just like you see in the films and men and women work in the fields wearing the pyramidal straw woven hats. As you walk up the road there are small Balinese houses each with a little offering of flowers and incence burning outside. The Hindu offering to the gods. And the people here are so gentle and each one greets you with a Hello and a wide cheery smile. It highlights even more the contrast between the busy streets of Legian and the peaceful village life enjoyed here. It feels incredibly safe and welcoming and you get the feeling that if you stopped to chat people would invite you in for a drink in their homes. Every so often a motorbike passes driven by an 80 year old and his family or a 14 year old and his brothers and sisters. They don't go fast so even that feels quite safe. And of course all of this is punctuated by tall palm trees and the occassional fat looking cow standing in the field.

Our days are steady. We have breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit and then Sam does his school work. After this we walk the 2 minutes to the sea and Sam has a surf - the swell is pretty big here and he is doing really well. Then me and Will go to yoga for an hour and a half and Sam watched a DVD in the house. After this we are usually starving and go to 'Toms Garden Cafe' for Balinese food (my favourite is the fish curry). It's a great place to end the trip and I would recommend everyone to come here.

The picture attached is of a monkey sat on the temple wall that we went to in Uluwatu at sunset. Only 7 days til Jess and Al get here....


  1. Reading your blogs I am there! Your descriptions are vivid Ruth and thankyou Geps for your comments which pasted space accurately - love it!
    We were wondering where to go once we have finished the season and this might be the place for the chill out holiday after the hectic life we lead. Is the weather bearable between Nov - Feb?
    After being transported I am back in this mad world of other holiday makers. we had a 'fete' on the site on Saturday, celebrating 90 yrs Royal British Legion.

  2. doing in stages!
    The day started with beautiful sunshine and the Wardens hand lawn mower race was the first good fun of the day (Grandad's team lost Sam but he was fantastic). Following this was a Srcuffs dog show. The dogs were beautified to within and inch of their lives and every one of them behaved impeccably. Another very good event.
    We then opened a BBQ and the weather turned very cold with rain and the few intrepid folk who brought their chairs to listen to the brass band gradually dispersed. Roughly an hour later it warmed up and a number of people strolled back - the band played on as they say. I had devised a treasure trail, there were games, teas, raffle & tombola and our final monies totaled 881.00 which, although good, should have been more with the amount of effort made. We decorated with poppies & flags everywhere so it looked brilliant.

  3. Everyone is well and Nina has booked her wedding day for Sept 30th. Lauren is working and enjoying it. Joe has stayed at Grandmas for 2 weekends recently and has really had a good time. It won't be long before you will be back staying Sam - can't wait. How are you going to cope with all the hugs & kisses?! I can see you recoiling now !!! we love you loads and can't wait until August.
    When is a good time to phone you over this next weekend? is it still cheap to do that Ruth on your mobile in Bali? xxx
