
Thursday, 5 May 2011


We are now in Perth with Charlotte and Neil and family. The trip was fairly uneventful, although it did entail a stupidly early flight which set us back a few hours and as Perth is two hours behind Sydney it confused us even further, but now we are in the swing of things and our new body clock has been set.

It's so nice to catch up with old friends and Perth is great because the weather here is amazing. We have been to the beach and had a surf and went to Sam's favourite restaurant yesterday so that he could eat Kangaroo steak.

Today we picked up our van from Britz (that's right this time we have landed ourselves a luxury model and it doesn't cost alot more than the crappy smelly van we had on the East Coast.) The only problem is that they wanted a $7,500 deposit which was not available on our credit cards... so we had to call Mum and Dad at 4:00 in the morning to see if we could use their cards. God Bless Mum and Dad they weren't even cross about being woken up, just a bit dazed and confused!! After we had paid the deposit we were shown our van and it was like a palace. The bedding isn't sticky, the fridge doesn't smell of sick, the handles don't fall off when you open a door. Infact everything works and it's an automatic so Will thinks it's amazing to drive.

The plan is to stay here until Monday and then drive up the coast, North towards Monkey Myer where you can hand feed the dolphins. Then Charlotte and Neil are going to come and meet us so we will spend a few days with them and then back to Perth for a few days when we fly to Bali on the 20th May. I love the West Coast, it could be the sun, it could be the company, it could be the long stretch of sandy beaches and the perfect waves for Sam but most probably it's a combination of all these things.

Right now Sam is doing his homework whilst Charlotte and Neil's 18 month daughter Sienna is colouring in and Will is making chicken sarnies. In a few hours I will call Mum and Dad back and apologise for the early wake up call (sorry Mum and Dad, you're the best).


  1. As a long standing client, now coming up to 35 years I believe, you know how we consider it always a pleasure to have your business. If you were to take your transactions elsewhere, goodness me, how our goodwill would suffer. We are well aware that others are competing for your business, Chris Turner I understand to be a recent candidate for your attention and affections, but I am sure you see how she wouldn't quite know how to deal with your account as we do. All we ask is that before leaving Australia you make absolutely sure that the sum negotiated is returned to the correct account. On the other hand we don't wish to stand in the way of you progressing your business and as much as it would pain us should you feel it necessary then please feel free to negotiate with others in the future.

    Best of luck
    Bank of Mam & Dad.

  2. I would like to apply to that bank,please send application form. I have a similar bank for emergencies, but I don't think it would make my money work that well! Bank of Mam and Dad Rocks!
    Wow 18 month old Aussies are very well behaved. I wish my 3yr old would sit down and do colouring! I shalln't even bother imagining my 21 month old doing the same!

  3. Sarah, I'm sure they would love to have you as a client they are always looking to expand. I'll write you a reference xx
