So thoughts on NZ - After the leaving the mount I think it took me a while to get into the swing of NZ, the space and the countryside. I was amazed by the way that NZ reminded me so much of England even though it was on the other side of the world, with a similar climate and lush green fields. NZ is very clean and there is little rubbish here (from what we have seen), the people are very friendly and you very rarely see police cars or police men around. In Central America the three of us were a tight unit, unified by the strangeness of Central America, here we have had to share each other with more people and this has sometimes changed the dynamics of our group. In some ways I miss the closeness we had in Central America but we all enjoy the freedom that other people bring to the trip. It's lovely to lie on the beach now and chat to Claire whilst Will and Tom surf. Sam has enjoyed fishing with Tom and not just having to talk to me and Will, he has also made friends with some of the local kids. I am no closer to understanding the integration of Maori culture into the NZ way of life but we have tried our best...I would have liked to get Sam a greenstone before we left but ho hum.
But much as I have enjoyed NZ I am sooo looking forward to Oz and can't wait to see Sydney and walk over the bridge and maybe see the opera at the opera house. Most of all I can't wait to get out of the van and into a house!!!
We are all fine here but Sam has strained his wrist and is a bit upset that he has to stay out of the surf for a few days (poor little Sam) but he is on the mend fortunately!! Am off to make food now but will update on Sat night from our posh hotel (yay!)
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