We have just left Olas Permanates after 10 idyllic days on the beach. We are now back with James and Lysinea for a night and tomorrow we head to the Tica bus hotel for the night and get the bus at 2:30 am - arriving in Managua at 12:00 lunch time.
The last few days have been fun filled - we were woken a few nights ago by a massive thunder storm overhead which woke everyone in the hotel (apart from Sam of course). The next night I woke up and felt the room shaking, I thought I must be imaging it, but it happened a couple of times... I decided it was probably just a little earth tremor and as the ceiling hadn't fallen in I went back to sleep. The next morning we realised that it had been caused by waves crashing over the wall and landing about 5 metres from our bedroom! The same happened for the next few nights and although I didn't stay awake the whole night I did have a lot of water filled dreams. The good news is we weren't flooded.
In all we had an amazing time at the beach and really none of us wanted to leave at all. The place was so beautiful (check out the sunset) and the people were so kind and helpful, we felt really welcomed and very safe and I would highly recommend El Zonte and Olas Permenates to anyone travelling to El Salvador. The waves break just in front of the hotel (when they aren't coming over the wall) and both Sam and Will were able to surf all day ever day. I have been doing yoga, shiatsu and reading in a hammock, we have all returned to James's bronzed, tired and happy. There were also lots of great people staying at the hostel who Sam adored, they played ping pong with him, surfed with him, swam with him and generally made him a very happy boy. We hope to meet them in Popoyo in Nicaragua in a few weeks.
We have now officially started schooling and it's going very well. Sam has studied English, Maths and Science so far and has started reading his book (a chapter a day). We tend to study one subject a day and this seems to work well for us all. It's fun to learn science on the move and Sam actually seems to be learning.
So that's the latest - as I said El Salvador is brilliant and the land and the people we met are beeeautiful. More from Nicaragua in a few days.
The picture of the sunset is beautiful. But now you are on your way to Nicaragua! How are you getting there? More Chicken Bus traveling? Sam's schooling sounds to be going well. xxx Mum
ReplyDeleteI can see that you are now really getting into your blog. I love the enthusiasm in your writing. It makes excellent reading. Did you think of maybe writing a short story or two whilst you are away? So, it's the night bus to Managua next! Sounds as if it will be full of adventure. Can't wait for your next blog.
Felt really choked when I read what an amazing time you're having. So glad you're chilled and enjoying every minute!! Love Love & Love xx
ReplyDeleteChoked in a good/happy way I mean!!
ReplyDeleteHi ruth will and Sam, Your dad's right ruth. I think you should become a published writer when you get back. Am on th edge of my seat when I read andI love that you guys are all having a most excellent time! Take care and happy traveling! S. xxx