Last night we went to bed and there was a tiny little lizard sat on my pillow - I'm not afraid of lizards but don't particularly want to sleep with one on my pillow so Sam chased around the bedroom with a glass and a bit of paper until he was able to catch it for me... I would say that my Knight in shining armour caught it for me but that would be a lie, he said he was busy but I think he was scared (he does that with spiders too).
Thursday, 30 September 2010
The lizard
Last night we went to bed and there was a tiny little lizard sat on my pillow - I'm not afraid of lizards but don't particularly want to sleep with one on my pillow so Sam chased around the bedroom with a glass and a bit of paper until he was able to catch it for me... I would say that my Knight in shining armour caught it for me but that would be a lie, he said he was busy but I think he was scared (he does that with spiders too).
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
I hope your not getting bored...

People keep saying that they really enjoy the blog and to keep updating it so here you go... I hope you're not getting bored though.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
It's nice to have some space. We have been living in one room for 6 weeks and whilst this has been fun it's really nice to have some space to spread things around. For weeks Will has moaned at me for tidying up around him, but living in one room things get cluttered very quickly and if things have their place then it's easy for everyone to find the bite cream, or sam's school books etc etc... also when you live in one room by the beach, sand gets everywhere so it keeps everything from getting covered. But here we have a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom and a kitchen and a living area, in fact at this moment we are all in separate rooms!! It's also really nice to cook again, we have eaten out for 6 weeks and it's good to be able to just get up and have a bowl of cereal... Will is worried about how much we are spending on food so I try to ration things a bit but then he moans he's hungry...ho hum.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Costa Rica
We have now said goodbye to Nicaragua and moved on to Costa Rica but as ever the journey was an interesting one. To be honest I wasn't that sad to leave Nicaragua and the day we left was super rainy. We had arranged for a guy to take us to Rivas, an hours drive through the pot holes and rivers and from there we were going to book our ticket to Costa Rica and head to the Isla Ometepe for a couple of days and then return to get the coach...but it was raining so hard that the guy who was driving us advised us to give the Isla a miss, there was a storm (tormenta) heading in from Mexico or somewhere which they thought would be quite strong and the ferry crossing may be a problem. Plus he thought it wouldn't be much fun in the rain and we agreed.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Nicaragua is ... ok
Well, to be honest there's not a great deal to report from Nicaragua. We are still in Playa Guasacate - the beach is pretty beautiful (but not as beautiful as El Zonte). The waves are ok and there are a few other surfers here in search of waves... and that's it really, Nicaragua is ok! The food is reasonable, but there doesn't seem to be a main dish here, other than Galla Pinto which is rice and beans (and means painted rooster!). The majority of the food is fried and like I said it's...ok.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
1 month in...
1 month in and what have we learnt?
Friday, 17 September 2010
I'm a mum get me out of here....
Well after a great deal of travelling we are in Nicaragua. The journey was an interesting one, what i didn’t tell you before was that the gangs in El Salvador had threatened to do things to the buses in protest to a new law which had been introduced recently. We heard various stories, from buses being burnt out to drivers being killed (which I think in one case was true) to everyone on the bus being shot. What I am starting to realise in Central America, is that they do like to exaggerate things slightly, still there was an element of truth to it. However, apparently they were targeting the Chicken Buses so the Tica Buses should be fine we were told. This is all very well but after a crap nights sleep at the Tica Bus hotel, waking up at 2am to get on the bus, it all seems a bit scary again...but you will be pleased to know that we weren’t shot and arrived in one piece.
The Tica bus is nice and big (but smells funny) the seats recline and when you travel at 2am they bring around a blanket and a pillow (which smell funny), they turn out the lights and you go back to sleep until 6am when you reach Honduras, that is if you are able to sleep on a rollercoaster in the dark, wondering if you might get shot! At the border you stay on the bus and a few important looking people check your passport and away you go, the guide on the bus then brings a Burger King breakfast bap around (which is just what you need after 3 hrs on a roller coaster) and away you go.
After 8 hrs we arrived at Managua in Nicaragua an hour early and played Monopoly cards on the floor of the station until our driver arrived. I had emailed a guy in Popoyo and asked if he had rooms free, the one we wanted was taken but he did have a dorm style room which we could rent for $12 per night. After 4 more hrs in the car we arrived at the top of the guys road. The roads in Popoyo have been pretty much washed away as they have had a really wet few months and we had to cross about 4 flooded rivers and ditches and navigate thousands of pot holes for the last hour (at one point the driver wasn’t even sure if we would get across one of the flooded areas). Mike is a lovely, softly spoken American guy who showed us the dorm...think I’m a celebrity get me out of here and you are on the right lines! It was basically a porch with 2 sets of bunk beds and mosquito netting tacked around the to the elements on all sides, with a tin roof and nothing else. We decided to stay one night and see how we felt as Mike had been so kind. His wife begrudgingly brought us dinner of tough leather and rice and beans and then we chatted to a couple of annoying Americans before bed who told us stories of the scorpion that they found in our room and the big spiders etc, we would have stayed up longer but the woman who ran the bar was glaring at us and the Americans were freaking us out so we headed for bed. It was an interesting night, none of us wanted the top bunk so me and sam shared the bottom bunk, then I moved in with Will, until there was a huge thunder storm overhead and Sam got scared as we were practically out in the elements so I moved back in with Sam. At 7am Mike came down to drive us to the surf and we all agreed we would look for another room that day. Mike understood and agreed to drive us to wherever we found.
So I am writing this from a nice room back on the beach with three beds and an en-suite (with hot water) Will is currently surfing with a guy from Chipping Sodbury, Sam is dozing and we are about to sample a Nicaraguan all turned out well in the endSunday, 12 September 2010
Olas Permanantes...
We have just left Olas Permanates after 10 idyllic days on the beach. We are now back with James and Lysinea for a night and tomorrow we head to the Tica bus hotel for the night and get the bus at 2:30 am - arriving in Managua at 12:00 lunch time.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Life's a beach!
Well the rain has stopped - in fact it only rained that first day and since then we have had glorious sunshine. In the sun this place is lovely - it backs right onto the beach - literally we open our door and there is the sea - brilliant. The people that run the place are very friendly and it also serves food - you sit at tables overlooking the sea (or in hammocks).