Well it's been a while since I last had a moan so it's about time I rectified that. Today we are all at logger heads!! Sam is being a stroppy 13 year old and won't help Will paint the fence (well he did eventually - but he was pretty grumpy about it because he wanted to watch the Brady Bunch of all things!). Will is a stroppy 29 year old and doesn't think that Sam pulls his weight (he's probably right) but he thinks that when he was 13 he did EVERYTHING his parents told him because he knew they were older and wiser than him... yeah right... I don't expect his parents remember it that way!!... and I guess I am a stroppy 34 year old because I'm sick of the two of them bickering and it's hot and I didn't sleep well because Will has the fan on full blast in the bedroom so it's like an icebox on a night...there... rant over!
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Stroppy teenagers and... um... stroppy thirty somethings
Well it's been a while since I last had a moan so it's about time I rectified that. Today we are all at logger heads!! Sam is being a stroppy 13 year old and won't help Will paint the fence (well he did eventually - but he was pretty grumpy about it because he wanted to watch the Brady Bunch of all things!). Will is a stroppy 29 year old and doesn't think that Sam pulls his weight (he's probably right) but he thinks that when he was 13 he did EVERYTHING his parents told him because he knew they were older and wiser than him... yeah right... I don't expect his parents remember it that way!!... and I guess I am a stroppy 34 year old because I'm sick of the two of them bickering and it's hot and I didn't sleep well because Will has the fan on full blast in the bedroom so it's like an icebox on a night...there... rant over!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Complete bravery...
Today Sam went to the skate park whilst all the other kids were in school to practice 'dropping in to the bowl' which basically means going off the lip of a skate board ramp down a really steep slope. The reason that I am writing about this is because it showed real character to do what Sam did today.
Sunday, 27 March 2011
This morning we got up and Scott left us to fly back to Bali. It has been really nice having him here as an additional member of the family (and one who can teach). I think he has also enjoyed being here, in the middle of arguments, with Sam wittering on in his ear and singing annoying songs, what's not to love? No seriously, I think he did enjoy being part of our family and being mothered (cooked for etc), so now we are back to three.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
This morning we got up and went fishing with Mark who lives across the road in his 'tinnie' (Aussie speak for a small boat). We had four fishing rods and a bag full of prawns for bait. I had the very nice job of handing prawns to the boys to bait their hooks. It was actually really nice to be out on the river, floating along in the sun, catching fish and looking at the mangroves.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Last night I couldn't sleep because I woke up and thought 'Oh my god, we are in a house and everything has reverted back to normal - Sam is addicted to the TV, I am eating and eating and eating and doing not enough exercise and Will is working and stressed. Nothing has changed!!' So I decided the best thing to do would be to wake up Will and tell him my worries - and here's the thing, things have changed because Will got up and got me a drink and listened to me droning on at him about how I was worried that when we got back to the UK we would just slot back into the same old routine - and he said not to worry, things would be ok. Now 7 months ago, Will would have told me to shut up and go back to sleep.
So it's been a beautiful, hot day in Corindi. The fence posts are now firmly concreted in place, the ipod is on it's way to being repaired (well we have found a company who can do it) and Sam has finally introduced himself to the kids who live across the street... ahhh lovely.
Monday, 21 March 2011
Oh what a beautiful mooooorning.....
Friday, 18 March 2011
Loving the van
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Bits and bobs...
It's difficult to know where the days go, if someone told you, you have a year off to travel with no work, you might wonder, 'How on earth will I fill my days? Won't I get bored? Well let me tell you, both these thoughts crossed my mind but it's amazing how quickly the days whizz by.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Writers block...
Today I have a writers block, honestly, I don't know what to tell you, it's not like Central America where we were moving all the time from life threatening situation to life threatening situation, it just feels quite normal here, having a house.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Cookery and random people
It's brilliant to have a kitchen, after weeks, no... months, of living in the van and cooking on stoves which cut out half way through or don't heat up properly, and having only one pot to cook out of, it's a joy to be able to cook proper meals, from cookery books.
Saturday, 12 March 2011
David Attenborough eat your heart out
I'm sat here like David Attenborough, laying on the bed very still, whilst just outside the window, about 1 meter away, two Kangaroos are in the garden! They both know I am here, but don't mind so long as I don't make any sudden movements. One is so relaxed he has decided to have a little lay down and the other is watching a lorakeet who is sat on the fence behind. A lorakeet is a bird, like a parrot, all greens and reds and yellows, they are very noisy, sociable, cheeky birds.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Firstly we hope that everyone's friends and family around Japan are ok... being in the area we really find out loads of information on the news etc about all the earthquakes, tsunamis and floods that are happening and it feels like there are an awful lot of them around at the moment. I'm not sure if this is because we are travelling, so more aware of the dangers and what is happening around us or if in fact there are more disasters happening at the moment.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
The lesson of the day...

Yesterday Jeff and Linzi's friend Scott came to join us at the house in Corindi. He is also travelling for a year and is a deputy head from Jersey who has spent the last few months travelling in Bali.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Simplicity is the beauty of life...
Today we had a great day, we got up to blue skies and went to the beach with the surfboards. We also borrowed Linzi's longboard. We headed to a beach about 10 mins away and had a super fun morning surfing the little waves, yes even me!! Then, as usual hunger got the better of us and so we headed to a little town nearby for lunch. There were a few shops in the village and one was a new age shop which was soon to close down and was filled with crystals and stones, by the desk were a stack of little cards with words of wisdom to take away and I picked one that said 'Simplicity is the beauty of life'.
We are now in Jeff and Linzi’s house in Australia having managed to track down the keys at the post office. Someone must definitely be smiling down on us as we have managed to find ourselves in a beautiful house complete with a pantry filled with cookery books, a huge flat screen TV showing endless surf competitions, a room for yoga, skateboards and a family of kangaroos that live in the garden. No kidding, they actually pretty much live in the garden. This morning me and Sam walked to the shop and came across three kangaroos (1 big, 2 small) stood across the path. We probably got about 2 meters from them when I decided that perhaps we should take the long route to the shops, they looked friendly enough... but then so does a bull before it charges you!
We walked (well Sam skated) the long way round and came across a family walking down the road ‘ Excuse me’ I said ‘Could I ask you a very English question? Is it safe to walk past a kangaroo which is stood 2 meters from you on the path?’ . The response, should you ever need it, is that you can walk past kangaroos which are pretty close to you, but be aware that they could kick you if they feel like it... A bit like the charging bull I guess. Anyway it was brilliant to see the kangaroos up close, they are such funny looking creatures, with their enormous feet and it’s very odd to see them bounding off down the road. They also have the same eyes as Archie!!
After we moved into the house we made a roast which as you can imagine we were all very much looking forward to and then, fat and happy, we lay on the sofas together and watched a film. At about 11:30 we went to our separate rooms to sleep.
When we moved in the neighbour Mark informed us that the guy who was here before us had come in to find a red and black snake in the bedroom (i assume this one is poisonous as all the Aussie creatures either, bite, sting or inflict some other godawful wound upon you) so we had checked the house for spiders and snakes already, but when you’re about to go to sleep suddenly images of huge spiders and snakes take up every corner of your mind and so it wasn’t long before we found Sam climbing into bed with us, and really who could blame him. So we all spent the night huddled up together (again). However when we woke up this morning there were no spiders or snakes so I think Sam will sleep in his own room tonight.
Speaking of waking up, the dawn chorus here is very bizarre. In England beautiful little sparrows wake you up singing, tweety tweety tweet tweet, in a relaxing Mary Poppins style. In Australia the dawn chorus sounds like someone raking their nails across an out of tune violin, the birds here don’t so much tweet as screech. It’s not the most relaxing alarm call that’s for sure.
Today we have done nothing, other than the walk and seeing the kangaroos which I admit is pretty cool we haven’t done a thing. It’s now 1:30 in the afternoon and Will hasn’t even left the house. This is because it is so nice to be able to stretch out on sofas and watch telly, cook bacon butties on a real hob and drink filter coffee. I am sat in a separate room to the boys. Sat on a real bed. Honestly it’s luxury. It’s amazing how little you need to make you happy when you have been living in the van – although I have to say that I did miss the van for a fleeting moment when we moved into the house and found it funny that we were all huddled together on the sofa, or all squashed into the same bed. I guess it takes a while to get used to having space again.
So I think this is a bit rambling but hopefully you get the picture that we are very happy to be in this house and feel very lucky to be here and Jeff and Linzi if you are reading this, thank you so much for lending the house to us, we really do appreciate it.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Oh the times they are a changing.....
Friday, 4 March 2011
Before going to NZ I assumed that it would not be to dissimilar to Australia – how wrong I was, comparing the two is a bit like comparing England to Italy – thinking they would be similar just because they are close to each other. Here are the main differences that I have seen so far. Firstly NZ is very small and has a tiny population (1/3 of all NZ live in and around Aukland and that is the same amount of people as live in Bristol, roughly). As a result you can drive for miles without hitting a town and when you do it’s invariably pretty small. In Australia you drive along the coastal road and come across small town after small town, with lots of houses and people. The roads themselves are also very different. Australia has the Pacific Highway, a straight motorway which leads up the coast and has off shoots to various white sandy beaches. In New Zealand the roads are windy, actually really really windy and also run along the coast, scattered with mainly black sand beaches.
In New Zealand we didn’t see any homeless people, no litter and very few police cars. The small population on an isolated island leads to a great deal of intimacy and trust between the people and as a result I guess they are better able to care for each other and the environment. Australia seems equally as proud of it’s environment but it’s probably harder to police with a larger population. Then of course there’s the wildlife. I believe that NZ had no mammals originally and the mammals that live there now have been introduced over the years. As a result there are nice animals like cows and sheep and dogs and cats... Australia however has its own animals and all of them seem to be bloody deadly, spiders, snakes, sharks, etc... I had a shower yesterday with a small cockroach climbing up my leg and didn't scream, just flicked it off!!
We spent the last couple of days in Port Maquarie, a small town by the sea and finally got used to our new van. The van is actually ok, it's bigger than the other one and we can stand up in it and of course it has the fridge and cooker etc which is luxury. The only problem is that because it's a 'budget' van it's a bit grubby. The catches on things are broken and the table doesn't connect peoperly, which are things that you can live with (but would rather not). But what I don't understand is why they don't clean the van!! The van has had a superficial wipe over but once you start opening the cupboards you realise they are a bit sticky and the whole thing is a bit greasy yeugh!! But we have armed ourselves with cleaning fluid and wipes, bought new pillows and sheets and it all feels a bit cleaner now.
We are now in Coughs Harbour and may head up to Jeff and Linzi's tomorrow, I say may because in true 'us' travelling style we forgot to get the address of the house oops...
A Sam update now, he has had his hair cut which is nice because you can actually see his eyes, he got stung by a wasp a few days ago, which has now gone down and is fine and he did his French schooling in McDonalds today. He actually did really well and his French is coming on a treat (I think!!)
So that's all for now, hi to you all and lots of love