So we all survived the canopy tour (just). We were driven up into the rainforest where we had to negotiate nine zip wires of varying lengths. We were strapped into a harness and given a hat and gloves and told that the gloves acted as our brakes and we should sit in the harness with one hand on the wire (behind the pully bit) and when we wanted to slow down and this should only be at the end, we were to use the glove as a brake on the wire, we should also never take our hand off the wire (although one of us may have forgotten this).
The view from the wires was amazing because we were in the top of the canopy (I wouldn't like to guess how high). We didn't see much wildlife because we were whizzing along so quickly but it was very exciting and Sam as usual absolutely LOVED it. After wire 6 we walked down some steps and came out at the most beautiful waterfall with a plunge pool where we swam for half an hour and cooled down, it was deserted and really fresh. Then we had 3 more wires to go and, it could be that on the last one I was so relieved that Sam had made it to the end that I sort of forgot the, 'Don't take your hand of the wire' bit and crashed into the end... but it's ok, I just bruised my shoulder a bit, no serious damaged done. The problem is that once you take your hand off the wire you start to spin a bit and it's a bit hard to remember which hand went where when your whizzing along above the tress so I just decided to crash land into the platform instead!! But that aside we had a brilliant day and all really enjoyed the tour.
The next morning we needed to be up at 6 to catch the direct bus to San Jose, we asked about 5 locals what time the bus left and they all gave us a different answer so we aimed for the earliest time of 6.30, We had a few options for getting to San Jose. The private shuttle would cost $45 each and take 3 hours or the local bus would cost $10 each and cover the same route so we opted for this. At the bus stop we were informed that the bus couldn't get through as there had been lots of rain in the night, so a taxi would drive us to Cobano to pick up the bus, it was then a 1hr journey to the ferry port, a 1hr ferry crossing and then 2 hrs to San Jose. On the final part of the trip, Sam and me were watching Harry Potter when Sam suddenly stiffened as there was a huge cockroach climbing up his knee, he's so brave, if that was me I would have run screaming from the bus but he just waited until it crawled off and up the wall, still we were a bit tense for the rest of the ride and changed seats pretty quickly!
I was a bit worried that the Gran Hotel may be a faded beauty but when we pulled up in the taxi we weren't disappointed. From the outside it's very Grand, lots of US presidents, Pele and Julio Inglesias have stayed here! It also has a very central location and I think we were all pleased to arrive somewhere with a bit of luxury (and a bath). The room itself was quite small but comfortable and I realised that there was no plug and not enough towels so, really wanting a bath I went down to speak to reception, Sam also realised the telly didn't work so I asked them about this, honestly after roughing it for 2 months, you want your moneys worth when you do splurge. The receptionist was lovely and sent the maid with a plug, another towel and a new telly. All set now I went to run my bath and realised that there was no hot water. After travelling for hours and wanting to soak my shoulder I was not too happy about the situation and stomped back down stairs. 'Ok, I now have a towel and a plus, but no hot water', I said to the receptionist with a fake smile. 'I know this may seem unimportant but I have been travelling for 2 months and NEED a bath.' 'Yes', she said, 'it's an old hotel and the water doesn't always run hot in all the rooms.' 'Then I would like a room that does have hot water.' I said still gritting my teeth and still fake smiling because I thought if she said no I might cry... but she realised the seriousness of the situation and gave me another key. So we now have a slightly bigger room with hot water. This morning we are going to get our moneys worth and stuff ourselves with the free buffet breakfast and then explore San Jose and visit the National Museum. Picture of the Zip lining above!